We have been selling software to apply for many jobs automatically. Webs-Automation was the first company to introduce this concept of auto job applications. Right now we have many subscribers and customers. Some users have reported to us that the software stops after a certain number of jobs. They are the users who are new to this software as we also have recurring users who know how to set it up to collect and apply numerous jobs for better results. Therefore in this post, we’re sharing some recommendations you can follow to let this software apply for jobs massively.
Configure it to apply for many jobs automatically:
This guide has 2 segments:
- Configure it to read jobs for multiple job positions and locations
- Configure it to read more than the first page to collect more jobs for given job positions and locations.
Let’s discuss the first segment to make it able to read multiple job positions and locations. This software comes with three options to set or define job titles and locations so the software can read, collect and apply jobs for given titles and locations.
1- Static Title/Location:
In this step, you can set a URL/Link to let this software read and collect jobs, the URL/Link you can get from a relevant website such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Dice, JobServe, or ZipRecuritment.
To Get a URL/Link go to a relevant job-boarding website, search for some kind of jobs, apply an easy-to-apply filter (If offered) then copy the link/URL for that search result and put it on the software screen as pointed in the above image.
Most newbies subscribers use this option but a single URL/link from any job boarding website may contain only 10-20 jobs. After that software will stop. Therefore, your target should be to set it up for more URLs/Links for unstoppable running. Follow it either in step 2 or step 3.
2- Multi URLs (Recommended):
Instead of using a single URL/link on the software screen, you can enable the “Multi URLs” feature. Navigate to the “Edit” tab from the top menu then select/check Multi URLs to enable this feature as shown above. On click, it’ll open a simple text (Notepad) format file, if it doesn’t open automatically then you can find this file in the software folder with the name “urls.txt”.
In this file, you can place unlimited links/URLs. At one line 1 URL/Link then add 2nd URL/Link in the next line. As shown in the above image, it supports Links/URLs for Linkedin & Indeed, you can copy links/URLs either from LinkedIn, Indeed, or both. The software will automatically detect the relevant websites from the URL/link.
Tip for Indeed Users: If you have an active indeed profile, on the homepage of Indeed, it suggests you some jobs based on your previous searches these jobs are easy-to-apply, so you should always keep the URL/link of the homepage while using the multi-URL feature.
3- Add Multiple Job Titles/Locations:
Although we recommend step 2 for the Multi URLs feature. But some users don’t want to go through with relevant job boarding websites to search for jobs and copy URLs/links from there.
For them, we have added another option on the screen of the software just aside from the single URL field that says: click to add multi locations/positions, as you can see in the above image. Click on it, this will prompt a window where you can add just the job title and locations. Check this video demonstration for this feature.
A segment to setup pagination to let it read more than the first page:
Pagination Setting For LinkedIn
The above image demonstrates the pagination setting for LinkedIn, In which, it asks: Do you want to apply all pages, you can enable it by selecting the checkbox. And keep “0” in the option “Limit the No. of Pages” When having “0” in this field, and the checkbox is enabled the software will go through all available pages for the search results of every URL/link. If you want it to read only the first 3 pages then replace “0” with 3 so the software will read jobs from page 1, page 2, and page 3.
Pagination Setting for Indeed:
To set up pagination for Indeed you can follow the image above the option “How many jobs need to be read?” comes up with a bar selection starting from 25 jobs to 100 jobs because Indeed gives 25 jobs per page, you can change it accordingly.
The combination of Multiple job titles/locations with pagination can probably give you such expected jobs count:
- Jobs per URL/Link or Job Title/Location for LinkedIn/Indeed: 20 and you have placed at least 3 URLs/Links or Job Titles/Locations. Result: 20*3=60 Jobs (Minimum)
- Pagination You set to read the first 3 pages. Result: 60*3= 120 Jobs (Minimum)