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Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deal For All Auto Bidding Bots

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deal For All Auto Bidding Bots

Black Friday

Black Friday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year. It is the shopping day after Thanksgiving. It is regarded as the beginning of America’s Christmas shopping season. Many stores and brands offer great deals and discounts on Black Friday. In the US, it is the busiest shopping day of the year. The term “Black Friday” was originated in Philadelphia. Black Friday is no more a one-day event because many stores start their Black Friday sales before Friday. Many stores offer their Black Friday sale online as well. 

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is one of the biggest sales days. It is a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. it was made by retailers to encourage people to shop online. It is known as the day with exceptional bargains. The term “Cyber Monday” was created by Ellen Davis. It is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year. Many well-known stores and brands offer amazing deals on Cyber Monday. 


For this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deal, Websautomation is offering all of the following bots just for $50 for a whole year. 

Facebook bot

The Facebook bot is a desktop-based and java-based application. It works on Windows and Mac. you can download it on your system with your license. It collects a targeted audience by fetching public posts. Then it filters all the posts where users are discussing your keywords. These keywords might be about your product, brand, service, or campaign, etc. This bot will find all the posts where your keywords are being discussed to sort a targeted audience.

Twitter bot

The Twitter bot is an application that operates twitter automatically with 100% control over it. First, it finds all the tweet that contains your keywords or hashtags. Then it takes action to each tweet that contains your keywords or hashtags. The twitter bot can perform actions like; auto likes, auto commenting, auto re-tweeting, auto-following, and auto private-messaging. It performs very fast without any limitations.

Essayshark bot

Essayshark bot is a new product launched by E-Applier. It is for freelancers who use This bot allows you to place unlimited bids automatically on as many orders as you like. It will search and apply for all the jobs which contain your keywords. It can run 24/7 without any limitations. You can limit your bids for a day as well. The best thing is that it supports all operating systems. 

eBay bot

eBay bot is an application that is designed to place bulk orders automatically for eBay products. You have to provide a list of products and sellers in an excel sheet file to order those products from their defined seller automatically. It is very secure and reliable.  

Amazon bot

Amazon bot places bulk orders over amazon automatically. You have to provide your order details in an excel file format. It is very secure and ensures that all orders are placed correctly. It is a great supporting tool for those who have bulk orders over amazon. 

LinkedIn bot

LinkedIn bot is a very easy and convenient tool that applies to LinkedIn jobs automatically. It uses your profile info or resumes to apply for jobs. It offers different filters to search for jobs for your desired position or search for jobs in your interested country. It only applies to jobs that match your skills. It can run 24/7 and apply to newly posted jobs. 

Glassdoor bot

Glassdoor bot is an efficient desktop-based software. It has complete control over one of the best job searching website named “”. It sends job applications automatically to your ideal jobs. You can set keywords and define your skills. It will apply to only those jobs that contain your keywords or skills. 

Indeed bot

This bot is designed for those who are actively searching for jobs from This bot will automatically apply to all your ideal jobs on You can use its filters to search for jobs for a specific country or position. It can apply to as many jobs as you want.

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