Flica Bot Guide: How To Use It?

This Flica Bot guide willl help you to understand its features and filters so you can configure it well according to your priorities.

Flica bot guide

Email Address: Place your subscription email

Select Folder: Select General or Premium

Crew Class: Select crew class as a state to get a trip for

Credit: All trips come up with credit at Flica (Credit is hours of pay. If it’s 1000, then 10 hours of pay). You can define/set your credit as 1100 or more. If the available trip’s credit is equal to or more than yours, only then the bot will submit a request. Though it’s optional, you can ignore it.

Set Dates: Set dates (multiple) to get trips for these dates only.

BCID: The bot automatically generates and visits the link/URL for your selected folder (General or Premium) and Crew class. But if you do notice that the bot-generated link/URL is not related to your folder and crew class. Then you can manually select folder and crew class from your Flica account and then check its’ link/URL It should be like this: https://frontier.flica.net/full/otframe.cgi?BCID=045.051

Copy the number (As shown in above image green-highlighted) after BCID from this link/URL in put it in this BCID field.

Date Vs. Days (Combination)

Date Filter

The date field in the Flica Bot is an input field with a calendar that will let to select dates to check trips for those selected dates.

Your selected dates from calendar:

8 Oct, 15 Oct, 21 Oct

Days Filter

The days’ field is a simple text input field where you can set the number of days (comma separated) as 2,3,4 and this compares if available trips have any number of days that you specified.

You put no of days as: 2,3,4

Suppose these 2 trips are available on Flica as:

  • #Trip-01: Days 1 | Date 15 Oct (Bot will ignore it because it has a date 15 OCT that you want but the days in this trip is just 1 but you want 2,3,4)
  • #Trip-02: Days 2 | Date 16 Oct (Bot will ignore it because it has a days 2 that you want but the date in this trip is 16 OCT but you want a one for 8 OCT, 15 OCT, and 21 OCT)
  • #Trip-03: Days 3 | Date 21 Oct (Bot will submit this (if not disabled) because it has days 3 that you want. And date is 21 OCT that you also want)
reporting time

Flica Bot Guide For Reporting Time Filter

Set Reporting Start Time:

All trips must have a report time as shown above,  Under Set Reporting Start Time, you can set your time to let the bot check and consider only trips if your starting time is less or equal to the reporting time showing on Flica trips.

Set Reporting End Time:

Under Set Reporting End  Time, you can set your time to let the bot check and consider only trips if the trip reporting time is less or equal to to your specified Reporting end time.

Condition becomes like this: If your starting time is less or equal to the trip reporting time and the trip reporting time is less or equal to your ending time only then bot submit a request.

However, if you don’t want to use this filter about “Reporting Time” then keep both fields’ start and end time empty. If you want this filter then must fill/set value for both start and end time.

Test Mode: For new users who want to test its efficiency and accuracy first without getting a wrong trip, they can enable “Test Mode” so the bot will only notify you whenever it finds a trip but will not submit any request. It will also notify you whether the trip was up to your filters/conditions or not.

Secured Searching of Trips:

Our Flica bot works exactly the same as you do manually on Flica. It doesn’t have any background process. It works live on the Chrome browser, everything will be in front of you. It’s just like a robot sitting on your computer/laptop and checking for trips for you. There’s no way that Flica will know whether you’re using a bot or operating manually. The only thing that may Flica concern, is if you use and run the bot 24/7 then Flica may notice how someone can sit and look for a trip 24/7. Therefore, you can run it for a certain time and then it’s good to go.