Freelancer Bot Software

Freelancer Bot Software Vs. Chrome Extension

The Freelancer bot software for auto bidding is not something anonymous anymore, people are using it enormously. Although, now there are a couple of options available over the internet. In 2016 We (E-Applier) released its first product as “Freelancer Bot” in a desktop-based application, by that time other companies cloned our idea and published a similar product. Contrary to a desktop-based application, most of those companies have come up with Chrome extensions. It was not something new or difficult for us, we could also launch a Chrome extension too in parallel to our existing freelancer bot software, but we decided to keep remaining and update our desktop-based application instead of launching another one. Why do we prefer it? To know the reason you need to understand the differences, pros, and cons in both types of applications either desktop-based or Chrome extension.

Freelancer Bot App (Chrome Extension)

  • Pros: Other companies go with this option because it’s user-friendly. Most of the freelancers bid on the website version therefore, an extension can be easy to set up and operate.
  • Cons: Due to browser protocol and restrictions, it offers limited functions and features.

Freelancer Bot Software (Desktop Application):

  • Pros: It has the capability to perform more functions to introduce new features that can make a smart freelancer robot.
  • Cons: It’s a separate software that requires to be downloaded first and then installs to be downloaded first and then installs that might take several actions if you’re not tech-savvy then you may find challenges in its installation. Although, we provide complete instructions and guidelines along with the demonstration video for user assistance.

Which one is more efficient?

A desktop application and chrome extension both automatically control a browser to bid over the jobs, efficiency is usually influenced by the filters, system, and internet.

Who launched the world’s first Freelancer bot?

In 2016, Aleem Qureshi (Founder: E-Applier) thought about using automatic software to ease his own freelancing experience, because he was exhausted with manual bidding which always takes time and effort. He looked around Google to find something, but there was no such software was available at that instant. Thus, He made researched this subject and developed the world’s first auto-bidding bot. Initially, it was restrained for his personal use only, but later on, He published its beta version for public subscription, and considering the feedback from the valuable subscribers, now we have added countless features to our Freelancer bot.

Posted by aleem11

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